Saturday 16 August 2014


There is one food I look forward to the most when going to France/Spain and you can probaly guess it from the title. I am obsessed with white chocolate maltesers. I mean whats not to love.  Is this just me or does anyone else think white chocolate is the THE best? I am in france at the minute and I can't find them ANYWHERE. So I thought I'd ask anyone out there have you seen or had white chooclate maltesers recently??? If so where. They were discontinued in Ireland about three years ago and I still haven't let go. First cadbury dreams and now these. What is the world coming to.

Also if you haven't tried them yet they come highly reccomended.

I must sound crazy. Other then the lack of white chocolate maltesers France is amazing! I'm staying in Cannes and it is so hot right now.

Does anyone else like/have information about white chocolate maltesers? let me know! :)

(the amount of times I've said white chocolate maltesers in this blog post is ridiculous)

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